Nuovo titolo
- Le lezioni del primo semestre avranno inizio a partire dal 23/09/2024 e termineranno il 24/01/2025, con le interruzioni previste dal calendario accademico.
- Le lezioni del secondo semestre avranno inizio a partire dal 24/02/2025 e termineranno il 13/06/2025, con le interruzioni previste dal calendario accademico.
- Le lezioni degli insegnamenti mutuati da altri corsi di studio seguiranno il calendario previsto da tali corsi di studio. Gli studenti sono quindi pregati di prestare particolare attenzione all’inizio lezioni degli insegnamenti: Proprietà di Polimeri e Compositi a Matrice Polimerica, Polymers for Electronics and Energy Harvesting, Economia dei Processi Produttivi, Modellizzazione della Risposta Ottica di Film Polimerici e Coatings Industriali, Modellizzazione e Simulazione Numerica del Comportamento dei Materiali dell’Industria di Processo.
- Gli appelli d’esame saranno fissati nelle seguenti finestre temporali: 27/01-21/02 2025, 16/06-31/07 2025, 01/09-26/09 2025. Potranno essere fissati appelli straordinari nella settimana successiva alla domenica di Pasqua a discrezione dei docenti; tali appelli dovranno essere programmati in orari che non interferiscano con le lezioni.
- Durante il periodo delle lezioni, potranno essere stabilite sessioni di esame straordinarie soltanto per gli studenti che abbiano soddisfatto tutti gli obblighi di frequenza previsti dal proprio piano di studi.
- Gli studenti che intendono sostenere un esame devono obbligatoriamente prenotarsi per tempo sul portale studenti (
- In deroga a quanto sopra riportato, viste le peculiarità delle attività svolte, le lezioni dell’insegnamento di Laboratorio di Chimica Industriale avranno inizio il 2 Ottobre 2024 mentre quelle dell’insegnamento Polymers for Electronics and Energy Harvesting avranno inizio nelle date previste dal curriculum internazionale della Laurea Magistrale in Scienza e Ingegneria dei Materiali.
- In seguito alle nuove disposizioni di Ateneo, si precisa che per l’ammissione alla Laurea Magistrale è possibile l'iscrizione con riserva, purché la laurea venga conseguita entro una data decisa dal Consiglio di Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale sulla base della data decisa ogni anno dal Senato Accademico (indicativamente il 28 Febbraio 2025) e purché entro il 15 ottobre 2024, il numero di CFU ancora da acquisire nel proprio piano di studio sia inferiore a 17. Da questo conteggio vanno esclusi i CFU relativi agli insegnamenti extra-curriculari, quelli relativi alla prova finale e quelli relativi ad eventuali attività di tirocinio già effettuate per almeno il 50% (anche se la verifica che garantisce l'acquisizione formale dei CFU relativi non avesse ancora avuto luogo). Nel caso di attività di tirocinio svolta per meno del 50%, solo la parte di tirocinio non ancora svolta contribuirà al conteggio dei CFU residui da acquisire. In tal caso la domanda dovrà perciò specificare la valorizzazione in CFU della parte già frequentata. Il CCS controllerà d'ufficio la veridicità delle dichiarazioni dello studente.
- L’ammissione al corso di Laurea Magistrale SMART dei laureati nelle classi L-27 e L-21 (ex DM 509) con votazione inferiore a 90/110, dei laureati in altre classi, indipendentemente dal voto di laurea, e dei laureati all’estero (bachelor), è subordinata alla valutazione preliminare da parte della Commissione per le ammissioni alla laurea magistrale ( che verificherà, eventualmente tramite un colloquio, il possesso delle conoscenze e competenze richieste nelle seguenti discipline: chimica generale ed inorganica, chimica organica, chimica fisica, chimica analitica, matematica e fisica.
- Per quanto attiene alle discipline chimiche, sarà anche richiesto un sufficiente grado di esperienza pratica, acquisito nel corso della documentata frequentazione di insegnamenti che prevedano esercitazioni in laboratorio.
- Per accedere a SMART è necessario avere una conoscenza della lingua italiana di livello B2 o equivalente.
- Maggiori dettagli sui requisiti di ammissione sono reperibili sul Regolamento Didattico del CdS.
PIANI DI STUDIO (SMART, primo anno, coorte 2024/2025)
Lo studente deve obbligatoriamente inserire nel piano di studio un insegnamento (6 CFU) tra quelli riportati in Tabella 1 del Regolamento Didattico; tale insegnamento deve essere etichettato come “affine integrativo”.
The specific learning outcomes of the MSc and its subjects are contained in the Teaching Regulations for the 2024/2025 (SMART first year) and 2023/2024 (INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY second year) cohorts, which can be found respectively at, (bottom of the page, after selecting the year).
Further regulations and information can be found in the University Teaching Regulations and the Student Regulations ([DC5] ).
- The lectures of the first semester will begin on 23/09/2024 and end on 24/01/2025, with the breaks provided for in the academic calendar.
- The lectures of the second semester will begin on 24/02/2025 and end on 13/06/2025, with the breaks provided for in the academic calendar.
- Classes in courses borrowed from other MSc programs will follow the corresponding schedules. Students are therefore asked to pay particular attention to the start of classes in the following subjects: Properties of Polymers and Polymer Matrix Composites, Polymers for Electronics and Energy Harvesting, Economics of Production Processes, Modeling the Optical Response of Polymer Films and Industrial Coatings, Modeling and Numerical Simulation of the Behavior of Materials in Process Industries.
- Examination dates will be scheduled in the following time slots: 27/01-21/02 2025, 16/06-31/07 2025, 01/09-26/09 2025. Extra slots may be scheduled at the discretion of the professors during the week following Easter Sunday; these slots must be scheduled outside the lecture calendar.
- During the lecture period, special exam slots may be scheduled only for students who have met all attendance requirements specified in their syllabus.
- To take exams the students must register within the set time on the portal dedicated:
STUDY PLAN (SMART, first year, cohort 2024/2025)
It is mandatory for the student to include one of the classes listed in Table 1 of the Study Regulation (6 CFU); this class must be marked as "complementary related" (AFFINI E INTEGRATIVI).
The prerequisite for admission to the Sustainable polyMer And pRocess chemisTry (SMART) degree course is a Bachelor's degree in the new or old academic system that is deemed suitable or another academic degree obtained in Italy or abroad that is recognized as equivalent. In addition, a certified B2 level (or higher) in English is required. The competencies required for entry concern mastery of the basic concepts and tools of mathematical, chemical and physical sciences as well as basic knowledge in the characteristic disciplines of the LM-71 class. To be admitted to the SMART Master's degree program, students must also demonstrate possession of the following requirements: - Curricular requirements; - requirements for adequacy of personal preparation in the following disciplines: general and inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, mathematics and physics. The chemistry disciplines also require a sufficient level of practical experience gained through participation in courses involving laboratory activities. Curricular Requirements At least, 15 CFU un academic fields and disciplines MAT/01-09, FIS/01-08, and INF /01, including - at least 6 CFU in MAT /01-09 - at least 6 CFU in FIS/01-08 Academic fields and disciplines CHIM/01-12 and/or ING-IND /21-27: a total of at least 50 CFU Procedures for reviewing curricular requirements and adequacy of personal preparation are outlined in the MSc Teaching Regulations. Credit may also be earned by taking more than one course or by enrolling in individual courses. English language proficiency at B2 level is required for admission. Admission requirements are reviewed by the Program Requirements Assessment Committee according to the procedures described in the MSc Teaching Regulations ( In the case of graduates from abroad, the review of curricular requirements is carried out taking into account the equivalence between the courses indicated in the personal curricula and those indicated in the Italian regulations mentioned above The review of personal preparation is carried out as described in the M.Sc. teaching regulations. The validation of credits will be granted as a result of the recognition of:
- professional knowledge and skills individually certified according to current legislation in force
- other knowledge and skills acquired through educational activities at college level is possible.
The Program Requirements Assessment Committee ( manages the admissions and examination procedures for both curricular requirements and personal preparation according to procedures descried in detail in the teaching regulations ( In the case of degrees obtained abroad or Italian degrees with non-credit systems, the Commission will assign a scientific-disciplinary field and a value in cfu to each educational activity acquired in order to define the curricular requirements. As regards the requirements for the adequacy of personal preparation, admission to the Master's degree program in Sustainable polyMer And pRocess chemisTry is subject to a preliminary examination by the The Program Requirements Assessment Committee, which verifies the actual possession of the required knowledge and skills in an interview. Graduates of a three-year Italian degree program L-27 (formerly DM 270) or L-21 (formerly DM 509) with a final grade of 90/110 or better are exempt from the preliminary examination. Special testing methods are available on request to meet the needs of disabled students and students with specific learning disabilities.
The Master of Science degree program in Sustainable Polymer and Process Chemistry (SMART) offers an educational pathway that is characterized by in-depth interdisciplinary knowledge and enables students to:
(a) receive a valid preparation in the various fields of chemistry, which raises and refines the level achieved in the previous Bachelor's program;
(b) acquire knowledge of the specific aspects and problems that characterize industrial chemistry and chemical processes, with particular reference to the relationships between the properties of the final product and the processes from which it is obtained;
(c) gain a thorough knowledge of the theoretical-applicative aspects of product synthesis and chemical process development and the ability to use this knowledge to interpret issues related to industrial production in the different chemical sectors, with particular reference to the relationships between product and process, scale-up and sustainability;
(d) become a qualified expert in the field of materials science, particularly in the area of polymeric materials for advanced applications;
(e) have knowledge and skills relevant to characterizing and defining the structure-property relationships of chemicals and materials, particularly polymeric materials;
(f) be able to use modern instruments to measure important chemical and physical parameters and to process the collected data using mathematical and computational methods;
(g) be proficient in the scientific method of investigation and laboratory instrumentation;
(h) be able to design and carry out experiments of high complexity;
(i) be able to handle chemicals both in the laboratory and on an industrial scale in an environmentally sound manner and without physiological hazards;
(l) be able to assess the impact of industrial production on the environment by taking the necessary precautions and identifying measures to remedy any adverse effects;
(m) know how to evaluate and manage the most appropriate techniques for the recovery and recycling of materials with a view to the circular economy
(n) know how to evaluate and manage the end of life of materials and products
(o) know how to carry out experimental studies according to scientific criteria and how to adapt them to the available resources
(p) know how to deal with environmental remediation issues;
(q) know how to manage the industrialization of chemical processes from the laboratory scale;
(r) be able to design, plan and manage complex and/or innovative systems, processes and services taking into account the principles of environmental sustainability;
(s) be able to evaluate a chemical process from an economic, patent, safety and sustainability perspective;
(t) organize independently the pursuit of objectives in their field of work, including tasks with specific responsibilities.
The curriculum of the degree program is organized in such a way that the set objectives can be achieved. The contents of the courses are appropriately coordinated in their sequential development. In addition to the industrial aspects of chemistry, to which particular attention is paid, there is also room for contributions from other areas of chemistry. Lectures are complemented by classroom or laboratory exercises to enable effective learning and the acquisition of the necessary practical skills. Soft skills and the ability to analyze specific problems (focus groups) are developed through the preparation and presentation by the students of seminars open to the public on innovative topics and current technical-scientific issues, which are evaluated according to the criteria established in the Teaching Regulations. The topic of the seminars is freely chosen by the students. The introduction of this type of activity - carried out under the supervision of lecturers and/or PhD students - falls within the scope of innovative teaching (flipped classroom). Guided visits to laboratories and industrial plants are also organized in order to better understand the industrial reality and that of scientific and technological research. In order to harmonize the educational path of students from different backgrounds, three types of other educational activities are planned, concerning - the harmonization of basic knowledge; - the management of intellectual property; - additional language skills (Italian for foreigners and advanced English for Italian students). Finally, students' preparation will be enhanced by the opportunity to participate in seminars organized by the MSc teaching board and held by experts from industry, academia and research centers on advanced research topics relevant to industrial chemistry, such as polymer science, industrial issues and end-of-life management of manufactured products. These seminars can be integrated into the lectures. Sufficient time is allowed for the preparation of the thesis. The MSc teaching board consider it an essential tool for acquiring experimental skills and becoming familiar with the methods of scientific investigation, as well as learning how to communicate the information gained effectively.
The final examination requires the realization of an experimental work on an original topic, which can be carried out in the research laboratories of the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the University of Genoa or, on request, in external, national or foreign institutions (universities, public or private laboratories or research institutes, public or private industries) under the guidance of a supervisor. The final examination includes, in particular, a research or design activity carried out by the student in an original manner, demonstrating mastery of the topics covered and the acquisition of skills and the ability to work independently. The results of the activity are recorded in a written dissertation, which the student prepares in an original manner under the guidance of a supervisor and defends orally (by means of an appropriate presentation) facing a panel of experts consisting of lecturers from the Master's program. In order to begin working on the dissertation, the student must have achieved a minimum number of credits in accordance with the final examination regulations, which also contain the rules for awarding the final grade.
The modalities for the final examination are described in the final examination regulations ( ). These regulations also set out the criteria for awarding the final grade. An overview of the topics available for the final dissertation can be found at
Industrial Chemist with a degree in Sustainable Polymer and Process Chemistry (SMART)
SMART graduated can find employment as professional freelancers or as employees in technical and managerial positions of high responsibility in the fields of research, innovation, development, production, advanced design, planning, programming, management of complex systems and qualification and diagnostics in companies for the development, production and processing of chemicals, material design. In addition, they can work as consultants or as employees in service and consulting companies, in analytical laboratories of public and private companies and organizations, as well as in the fields of teaching, cultural education or science dissemination.
- Chemist responsible for research and development activities (processes and materials);
- Chemist in charge of analytical and quality control laboratories (both in the industrial sector - e.g. pharmaceuticals, chemicals, petrochemicals - and in the food sector);
- Chemist responsible for functional and composite materials characterization laboratories;
- Chemist responsible for formulation laboratories;
- Production and/or operation of industrial units and/or installations manager;
- Prevention and Protection Service (PPS) manager;
- Head of the Safety and Environment Service;
- Commercial employee or responsible and/or technical sales support;
- Responsible for strategic planning activities;
- Lecturer in technical and scientific subjects;
- Freelancer consultant in various fields such as environmental protection, safety in laboratories and installations, REACH regulation;
- Chemist responsible for the recycling of materials, especially plastics;
- Chemist responsible for the sustainable development of new polymers and materials;
- Chemist responsible for material recovery and recycling facilities;
- Chemist responsible for environmental reclamation;
- PhD student.
SMART program is designed in such way that the graduated in Sustainable Polymer and Process Chemistry acquires both an adequate mastery of scientific methods and scientific contents as well as a professionalizing knowledge.
For this reason, SMART graduates are already able, in the first years of employment, to
- carry out chemical laboratory analyzes
- characterize polymeric materials (chemically, physically and mechanically);
- design new functional polymeric materials;
- design new functional polymeric materials;
- develop innovative and sustainable processes (with specific skills in industrial catalysis, industrial scale-up and reactor technology);
- developing (innovative) membrane separation processes;
- addressing and solving environmental issues;
- addressing and managing issues related to the recovery and recycling of materials and their end-of-life (circular economy);
- Addressing and managing safety issues (laboratory and/or plant);
- developing pollution monitoring and control systems;
- developing quality and production control systems (both on-line and off-line);
- developing process monitoring and control systems;
- Addressing basic and applied research issues in a PhD program.
- Chemical industry (fine and basic chemicals), petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, formulations, food; - Industry for the production and processing of polymer and composite materials;
- Manufacturing industry (mechanical engineering, electronics, iron and steel industry, concretes ...);
- Recycling and waste recovery industry;
- Recycling and recovery of polymers and inorganic materials and waste;
- Private, corporate and public research and development centers;
- Consultants (also through registration in the professional register of chemists).
- Higher level training through participation to a PhD program (in Italy or abroad).
SMART graduated who have the credentials required by current regulations can attend public competitions for access to the first and second of secondary school teacher training degrees.