Sede amministrativa:  GE
Classe delle lauree in: 

Classe delle lauree magistrali in Architettura e ingegneria edile-architettura (classe LM-4)

Durata:  2 anni
Indirizzo web:
Dipartimento di riferimento:  DIPARTIMENTO ARCHITETTURA E DESIGN


1° anno (coorte 2021/2022)

Codice Disciplina Settore CFU Tipologia/Ambito Obiettivi Formativi Propedeuticità
106510 ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 1 15 Workshop on architectural design and composition, i.e. a moment of synthesis of the different disciplines that contribute to creating an architecture.


  106507 - ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 1 ICAR/14 8 8 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Progettazione Architettonica e Urbana
The aim of the course is to master, by putting them into practice, the practical and theoretical tools that lead to the definition of an architectural form. Students learn to evaluate and control the quality of spaces in relation to the context in which they operate.


  106508 - ARCHITECTURE THEORY 1 ICAR/14 2 2 CFU AFFINI O INTEGRATIVE Attività Formative Affini o Integrative
The aim of the course is to analyse and reflect theoretically on the project in order to develop critical and self-critical capacity and to contribute to the student's personal development and to the general development of the discipline.


  106509 - TYPOLOGICAL DRAWINGS ICAR/17 5 5 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Rappresentazione dell'Architettura e dell'Ambiente
The aim of the course is the analysis and typological study implemented through drawing, understood here as useful tools to understand the city in its historical evolution and the logic of urban phenomena.


106514 ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 2 10 Workshop on architectural composition, i.e. a moment of synthesis of the different disciplines that contribute to creating an architecture.


  106512 - ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 2 ICAR/14 8 8 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Progettazione Architettonica e Urbana
The aim of the course is to master, by putting them into practice, the practical and theoretical tools that lead to the definition of an architectural form. Students learn to judge and control the quality of built spaces in relation to the context in which they operate.


  106513 - ARCHITECTURE THEORY 2 ICAR/14 2 2 CFU AFFINI O INTEGRATIVE Attività Formative Affini o Integrative
The aim of the course is to analyse and reflect theoretically on the project in order to develop critical and self-critical capacity and to contribute to the student's personal development and to the more general development of the discipline.


106517 ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 3 10 Workshop on architectural design and composition, i.e. a moment of synthesis of the different disciplines that contribute to creating an architecture.


  106515 - ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 3 ICAR/14 8 8 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Progettazione Architettonica e Urbana
The aim of the course is to master, by putting them into practice, the practical and theoretical tools that lead to the definition of an architectural form. Students learn to evaluate and control the quality of spaces in relation to the context in which they operate.


  106516 - ARCHITECTURE THEORY 3 ICAR/14 2 2 CFU AFFINI O INTEGRATIVE Attività Formative Affini o Integrative
The aim of the course is to analyse and reflect theoretically on the project in order to develop critical and self-critical capacity and to contribute to the student's personal development and to the general development of the discipline.


106518 PRINCIPLES OF CONSERVATION ICAR/19 5 5 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Teorie e Tecniche per il Restauro Architettonico
The aim of the course is to reflect on the idea of conservation, preservation and restoration with attention to their meanings in the different national and cultural contexts of the contemporary world. The course will deal with themes that are fundamental to the culture of protection and conservation and its plurality of interpretation through the study of exemplary cases of intervention in relation to different social, political, economic and cultural contexts. Fundamental references will be the many doctrinal documents issued in recent years by various international bodies involved in this complex field of theoretical debate and design practice.


106597 HISTORY OF CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE 8 The aim of the course is to provide students with the cognitive and hermeneutical fundamental principle related to the themes of international contemporary architectural culture from the post-World War II period to the present day.


  106595 - METHODS AND PERSPECTIVES ICAR/18 4 4 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Discipline Storiche per l'Architettura
The module aims to present the methods and tools of Italian architectural historiography in the context of international historiography. The lessons, of a distinctly methodological nature, will revolve around a series of exemplary cases, read and interpreted starting from the main points of the contemporary historical-architectural debate.


  106596 - WORKS, ARCHITECTS, PARADIGMS ICAR/18 4 4 CFU AFFINI O INTEGRATIVE Attività Formative Affini o Integrative
Teaching unit focused on the Italian and international debate, from 1945 to the present day, conducted through a selection of particularly paradigmatic figures, works and projects.


2° anno (coorte 2021/2022)

Codice Disciplina Settore CFU Tipologia/Ambito Obiettivi Formativi Propedeuticità
106519 STRUCTURAL MORPHOLOGY ICAR/08 5 5 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Analisi e Progettazione Strutturale dell'Architettura
The aim of the course is to acquire the necessary sensitivity and awareness to identify and critically analyse the relationships between the formal languages of architecture and the principles of structural mechanics. In particular, the ability to identify, understand and discuss the traditional and innovative solutions adopted in the structural design of modern and contemporary architecture.


106520 RENEWABLE SOURCES AND TECHNICAL PLANT DESIGN ING-IND/11 5 5 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Discipline Fisico-Tecniche ed Impiantistiche per l'Architettura
The course offers a theoretical part and a practical part with general applications. The aim is to provide the basic knowledge for the design of air conditioning systems, with particular reference to those based on the use of energy from renewable sources.


106523 PRINCIPLES OF SUSTAINABILITY 8 The aim of the course is to study the relationship between the design of a building and its energy and environmental performance.


  106521 - TECHNOLOGY OF SUSTAINABILITY ICAR/12 5 5 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Discipline Tecnologiche per l'Architettura e la Produzione Edilizia
The aim of the course is to focus on the environmental assessment of the architectural project in its different components, in order to relate the choices resulting from functional requirements and architecture expression.


  106522 - TECNIQUE OF SUSTAINABILITY ICAR/10 3 3 CFU AFFINI O INTEGRATIVE Attività Formative Affini o Integrative
The aim of the course is to provide the technical and methodological knowledge in sustainable design, focusing on living comfort and building performance.


106526 COST ANALYSIS 8 The aim of the course is to teach how to calculate and evaluate the economic aspects of buildings.


  106524 - ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF PROJECTS ICAR/22 4 4 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Discipline Estimative per l'Architettura e l'Urbanistica
The course provides the basics elements on cost-benefit analysis and knowledge on methodologies for the valuation of investment projects. Attention is dedicated to net present value, internal rate of return, payback period and profitability index so to take into account cash flows (costs and revenues) over time as well as techniques for the management of risk and uncertainty with applications to case studies for the valuation of real-estate construction, renovation, investment and management.


  106525 - BUILDING ECONOMICS ING-IND/35 4 4 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Discipline Economiche, Sociali, Giuridiche per l'Architettura e l'Urbanistica
The course deals with the theoretical and operational tools related to the economic and financial sustainability assessment of interventions on construction scale.


106529 ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 4 10 Workshop on architectural design and composition, i.e. a moment of synthesis of the different disciplines that contribute to creating an architecture.


  106527 - ARCHITECTURE STUDIO 4 ICAR/14 8 8 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Progettazione Architettonica e Urbana
The aim of the course is to master, by putting them into practice, the practical and theoretical tools that lead to the definition of an architectural form. Students learn to evaluate and control the quality of spaces in relation to the context in which they operate.


  106528 - ARCHITECTURE THEORY 4 ICAR/14 2 2 CFU AFFINI O INTEGRATIVE Attività Formative Affini o Integrative
The aim of the course is to analyse and reflect theoretically on the project in order to develop critical and self-critical capacity and to contribute to the student's personal development and to the general development of the discipline.


106532 PROJECT OF THE CITY 10 The workshop teaches holistic thinking and design to shape multi-scalar models from the component to the city.


  106530 - COMPONENT DESIGN ICAR/13 5 5 CFU AFFINI O INTEGRATIVE Attività Formative Affini o Integrative
The course focuses on project methods with particular attention to the Italian experience of component design.


  106531 - URBAN DESIGN ICAR/21 5 5 CFU CARATTERIZZANTI Progettazione Urbanistica e Pianificazione Territoriale
The aim of the course is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and tools to understand the challenges and transformations of the city with attention to the mechanisms and processes that determine its forms and their relationship with the architectural scale and its components.


106533 TRAINEESHIP 6 6 CFU ALTRE ATTIVITA' Tirocini Formativi e di Orientamento
The aim of the traineeship is to develop the ability to deal with theoretical and applied questions in a complex work environment, within company or institution.


106535 OTHER TRAINING ACTIVITIES 4 4 CFU ALTRE ATTIVITA' Altre Conoscenze Utili per l'Inserimento Nel Mondo del Lavoro
The aim of the course is to develop further analytical, social, linguistic and relational knowledge useful to enter the labor market.


106536 THESIS 8 8 CFU PROVA FINALE Per la Prova Finale
The final exam involves the writing of an original thesis by the student, under the guidance of one or two supervisors and one or more assistant supervisors. The thesis must be consistent with the contents and aims of the course in architectural composition.


Lo studente deve conseguire anche 8 CFU A SCELTA